Learn Mandarin in Hong Kong | 8 Courses That Really Work
Discover our pick of the 8 most popular and effective courses currently available to those looking to learn Mandarin in Hong Kong.
Discover our pick of the 8 most popular and effective courses currently available to those looking to learn Mandarin in Hong Kong.
Mandarin Matrix is proud to unveil new products and learning resources! Learn how we can help students to improve proficiency in K-12 immersion and foreign language programs.
Highlights from the ESSER FAQs document (U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary & Secondary Education) on the topic of distance learning and educational technology.
On June 8, KIDsforSDGs and Mandarin Matrix (MMX) hosted a virtual event with Parley for the Oceans and Parley’s Ocean Uprise to look at how to take ocean plastic and recycle it into new products.
Join us on June 16th, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm to learn how Mandarin Matrix helps boost Pre-school to Secondary school Mandarin Proficiency.
Mandarin Matrix will speak at the micro-forum of 中文教學百寶箱 K-12 Mandarin teacher group on May 7 at 7:00 pm Hong Kong time.
Mandarin Matrix announces its Board of Directors has appointed 20-year education leader Robert Davis Jr. (Bob) as the company’s new Global Chief Executive Officer.
Mandarin Matrix is proud to unveil new products and learning resources! Learn how we can help students to improve proficiency in K-12 immersion and foreign language programs.
Mandarin Matrix will take you on a journey to understand the origins behind the Qing Ming Festival, otherwise known as tomb sweeping day.
Try our Online classroom for free today! Get a 2-week free Mandarin trial so you can experience our platform and pedagogies!
Mandarin Matrix is excited to introduce K-5 Math readers aligned to the US Common Core Math standards, and 1st – 6th grade Science readers followingthe New Generation Science Standards.
Mandarin Matrix (MMX) is now offering a free online demo for Hong Kong parents to learn how to use our award-winning Mandarin learning platform.
Join the thousands of K-12 teachers and students who already use Mandarin Matrix Online Classroom.
Mandarin Matrix is a customizable, online learning platform designed to support learners of Mandarin as a second language from young age to adult.
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