

10 Ways To Wish Friends a Happy New Year in The Year of The Rabbit

Want a new and more authentic way to say Happy New Year to your Chinese or Asian friends? Leave behind the phrases  新年快乐 (xīn nián kuài lè) or 恭喜恭喜 (gōngxǐ gōngxǐ) and try these 10 new phrases that are sure to bring the best luck to your friends and family!

1) The best wish for all cases: 新年快乐,扬眉兔气 (Xīnnián kuàilè, yáng méi tù qì)

        Traditional Chinese: 新年快樂,揚眉兔氣

新年快乐 means Happy New Year’. You can say this  in any year. 扬眉 “兔” 气 is a pun from a Chinese idiom 扬眉吐气, which means “a feeling of exaltation upon fulfilment; one appears to be very proud and self-satisfied.” The third character of the idiom 吐 (tǔ, to breath out) has a similar sound with 兔 (tù, rabbit), as we put 兔 in the idiom, we keep the original good meaning of the idiom and relate it to this very year – the Year of The Rabbit! 


2) Play safe: 兔年行大运  (Tù nián xíng dà yùn)

        Traditional Chinese: 兔年行大運 

It literally means “Best luck in the Year of The Rabbit!” This can be used anytime and to anyone too. Not so special, but it’s very safe and easy to use!

3) Play it bilingually: Happy New Year 兔 You!   

As  兔  (tù, rabbit) sounds the same as “to”, you can create a fun phrase by swapping them! Make sure to use this in writing, so people know that you are playing with homophones!

There’s a cute Youtube clip here using is as a fun ending.

4) The best for businesses: 新春开运,鸿兔大展  (Xīn chūn kāi yùn, hóng tù dà zhǎn)

        Traditional Chinese: 新春開運,鴻兔大展

新春 means  ‘New ew Spring” which is also another way of saying ‘New Year’.

开运 means  to set off good luck, which conveys the wishes of being lucky

鸿兔大展 is taken from the  Chinese idiom “鸿图大展”, which means “to carry out one’s great plan, ride on the crest of success”. The second character of the idiom 图 (tú, a plan) has a similar sound with 兔, another pair of homophones! Shop owners and cooperates will love this new year wish, hoping for the best of luck and success in business. 

5) The best for students or fresh graduates: 前兔似锦,兔兔高升  (Qián tù sì jǐn, tù tù gāo shēng)

        Traditional Chinese: 前兔似錦,兔兔高升

We’re doing the same trick here. Replace 途 with 兔 in 前途似锦 (Qián tú sì jǐn: a bright future) and 步步with 兔兔 in 步步高升 (Bù bù gāo shēng: step by step, rise to eminence)

This is about wishing people a great future so it’s the best for students, especially graduates. 

6) 兔年吉祥,五福临门  (Tù nián jíxiáng, wǔ fú lín mén)

        Traditional Chinese: 兔年吉祥,五福臨門

“Auspicious Year of the Rabbit, five blessings to your door (= family)” 

The five blessings are: longevity, wealth, health, virtue and a natural death)

This is quite a traditional wish but nicely linked to Chinese culture. It can be used in any setting , but is especially good to wish to elders or people who regard traditions and cultures highly.

7) 动如脱兔,笑口常开  (Dòng rú tuō tù, xiào kǒu cháng kāi)

        Traditional Chinese: 動如脫兔,笑口常開

动如脱兔: Is  an idiom with the character 兔 (tù, rabbit) and is a  a metaphor that describes  people who move like rabbits, meaning that they are energetic. 

笑口常开: always laughing. 

This would be a good phrase to wish people good mental and physical health, because health is wealth!

8) 金兔临门,万事如意  (Jīn tù lín mén, wàn shì rú yì)

Traditional Chinese: 金兔臨門,萬事如意


金兔临门: A golden rabbit is at the door

万事如意: May all go well with you

This can be said to anyone. 


9) 招只兔,年年富Zhāo zhǐ tù, nián nián fù)

        Traditional Chinese: 招隻兔,年年富

“Catch a rabbit, and get rich every year!” Being rich and wealthy is alway a good wish in Chinese culture. These two short sentences rhyme, so it’s even easier to send your good wishes to people!

10) 兔年好运挡不住,兔年财源滚滚来   (Tù nián hǎo yùn dǎng bù zhù, tù nián cái yuán gǔn gǔn lái)

        Traditional Chinese: 兔年好運擋不住,兔年財源滾滾來

兔年好运挡不住: Unstoppable good luck in the Year of the Rabbit

兔年财源滚滚来: Unlimited great wealth in the Year of the Rabbit 

This one is longer for those who would like to challenge themselves.

Are you now ready to give it a go and spread your Chinese New Year wishes? We wish everyone 兔年好运挡不住,兔年财源滚滚来!

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