

Mandarin Matrix Celebrates UN World Oceans Day 2021

On June 8, KIDsforSDGs and Mandarin Matrix (MMX) hosted a virtual event with Parley for the Oceans and Parley’s Ocean Uprise to look at how to take ocean plastic and recycle it into new products. 

The Event

The June 8 event featured a virtual tour of Haiwaii’s A.I. Station, followed by Expert and Youth Spotlight Sessions addressing the climate crisis and environmental movement worldwide.

Schools including CISCDNIS and Renaissance College co-led this event, promoting ‘Ocean Conservation’ and highlighting ‘Climate Change’. Parley by the Ocean’s most influential voices discussed ocean conservation and its critical role in support living organisms on Earth.

Ending Plastic Pollution:

The Parley team also gave the students a virtual tour of its newly finished AIR station in Hawaii and discussed how the company is actively working with global stakeholders to end plastic pollution. 

Kids also explored major threats against the oceans and learned more about Parley AIR’s recent innovations to protect our environment. The next event will be held on Saturday, June 26 from 10-11.30am, where students will convene again with Parley for Oceans and the Oceans Uprise Youth Panel. Similar discussions will be held on climate conservation.

Turning Plastic Waste into Product

Parley’s partnerships with companies such as Adidas were explored, as the sports company moves towards phasing out single-use plastics and microbeads by launching entire product lines and new collaborations to build a better future for our oceans and planet. Through the power of sport, community, education and activism, Parley hopes to turn the oceans cause into a truly global movement that transcends borders. This will help engage people of all ages and backgrounds to help protect and clean up our oceans before it’s too late. 

MMX, KIDsforSDGs and Parley AIR hopes to end the fast-growing threat of marine plastic pollution by educating students on environmental concerns.

Meanwhile, Mandarin Matrix strongly believes in equity in education and provides a world class education for students in Chinese language learning, whilst also supporting a wide range of SDGs goals. Promoting innovation, gender diversity and literacy for both boys and girl is top of the agenda for the company.

Resources Supporting Environmental Sustainability

To continually support sustainable development goals and education on climate change and life under water, Mandarin Matrix has published a wide range of Chinese learning texts focusing on environmental protection. These texts, along with publishing COPE Disaster Risk Reduction materials, teaches and empowers children to develop resilience and understand how to cope with natural disasters.

The COPE Series consists of beautifully illustrated not for profit story books, aimed to increase disaster resilience of children. The books cover natural hazards ranging from floods to earthquakes and wildfires to cyclones. It provides coping tools for children through imaginative and fun ways.

COPE was created in 2018 by the acclaimed author Martha Keswick, award-winning illustrator Mariko Jesse and global disaster risk reduction expert, Dr Timothy Sim.

To know more about COPE, please visit:

MMX Resources on Environmental Sustainability

The Mandarin Matrix online platform offers a wide range of materials featuring book topics related to:

Protecting the Environment 保护环境

Recycling Competitions 废旧物品设计大赛

Natural Disasters 极端的天气 

Renewable Energy 可循环能源 

Beach Clean-Ups 沙滩大扫除

River Clean-Ups 河流清理 

For more information about our products, visit


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